bandeau par défaut

Articles scientifiques

Articles scientifiques


Sélection depuis 2012

Samy Chelil, Hocine Henine, Cédric Chaumont, and Julien Tournebize. NIT-DRAIN model to simulate nitrate concentrations and leaching in a tile-drained agricultural _eld. Agricultural Water Management, 271:107798, September 2022a. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107798.

Samy Chelil, Hind Oubanas, Hocine Henine, Igor Gejadze, Pierre Olivier Malaterre, and Julien Tournebize. Variational data assimilation to improve subsurface drainage model parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 610:128006, July 2022b. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128006.

Alexis Jeantet, Guillaume Thirel, Alienor Jeliazkov, Philippe Martin, and Julien Tournebize. Effects of Climate Change on Hydrological Indicators of Subsurface Drainage for a Representative French Drainage Site. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:899226, June 2022. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.899226.

Hocine Henine, Cédric Chaumont, Alexis Jeantet, Samy Chelil, Claire Lauvernet, and Julien Tournebize. Coupling of a subsurface drainage model with a soil reservoir model to simulate drainage discharge and drain ow start. Agricultural Water Management, 262:107318, March 2022. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107318.

Laura Seguin, Sami Bouarfa, Cédric Chaumont, Jérémie Lebrun, Charles Bontoux, Baptiste Berthomé, Guillaume Letournel, Aude Arrighi, Laurence Guichard, Mathilde Bonifazzi, François Birmant, Laetitia Roger, Laurent Royer, Daniel Hureau, Aude Farinetti, Charlène Pages, Jean-Emmanuel Rougier, and Julien Tournebize. PSDR4 Brie’Eau -Vers une nouvelle construction de paysage agricole et écologique sur le territoire de la Brie : associer qualité de l’eau et biodiversité. In-novations Agronomiques, 86:137{149, March 2022. doi: 10.17180/ciag-2022-vol86-art13.

Hocine Henine, Julien Tournebize, Cédric Chaumont, Vivien Dubois, and Rémi Clément. Combining time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography and air injection to detect agricultural subsurface drains. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 195:104490, December 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2021.104490.

Alexis Jeantet, Hocine Henine, Cédric Chaumont, Lila Collet, Guillaume Thirel, and Julien Tournebize. Robustness of a parsimonious subsurface drainage model at the French national scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, October 2021. doi: 10.5194/hess-25-5447-2021.

Timothé Philippon, Jianghao Tian, Chrystelle Bureau, Cédric Chaumont, Cédric Midoux, Julien Tournebize, Théodore Bouchez, and Frédéric Barrière. Denitrifying bio-cathodes developed from constructed wetland sediments exhibit electroactive nitrate reducing biofilms dominated by the genera Azoarcus and Pontibacter. Bioelectrochemistry, 140:107819, August 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2021.107819.

Jérémie Lebrun, Kelly de Jesus, and Julien Tournebize. Individual performances and biochemical pathways as altered by field-realistic exposures of current-use fungicides and their mixtures in a non-target species, Gammarus fossarum. Chemosphere, 277:130277, August 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130277. 

Ülo Mander, Julien Tournebize, Mikk Espenberg, Cédric Chaumont, Raili Torga, Josette Garnier, Mart Muhel, Martin Maddison, Jérémie Lebrun, Emmanuelle Uher, Kalle Remm, Jaan Pärn, and Kaido Soosaar. High denitrification potential but low nitrous oxide emission in a constructed wetland treating nitrate-polluted agricultural run-off. Science of the Total Environment, 779:146614, July2021. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146614.

Guillaume Letournel, Charlènes Pages, Laura Seguin, Cédric Chaumont, and Julien Tournebize. Biodiversité et services écosystémiques des zones tampons humides artificielles de Rampillon (Seine-et-Marne). Sciences Eaux & Territoires, pages 12-19, May 2021a. doi: 10.14758/set-revue.2021.cs5.03.

François Birmant and Julien Tournebize. Brie’eau : vers une nouvelle construction de paysage agricole et écologique sur le territoire de la Brie : Introduction. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, (Cahier Spécial n°5) May 2021. doi: 10.14758/set-revue.2021.cs5.01.

Guillaume Letournel, Charlènes Pages, Cédric Chaumont, Laetitia Perrier, François Birmant, Cédric Rebolho, and Julien Tournebize. Mutualiser les enjeux territoriaux en contexte de grandes cultures: INSPA, un outil SIG couplant hydrologie et écologie. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, pages 20-27,May 2021b. doi: 10.14758/set-revue.2021.cs5.04.

Guillaume Letournel, Cédric Chaumont, Jérémie Lebrun, François Birmant, and Julien Tournebize. Qualité de l’eau et écotoxicologie des zones tampons humides artificielles de Rampillon (Seine-et-Marne). Sciences Eaux & Territoires, (Cahier Sp_ecial n°5):4-11, May 2021c. doi: 10.14758/setrevue. 2021.cs5.02.

Laura Seguin, Fabienne Barataud, and Julien Tournebize. Accompagner le dialogue territorial par une démarche participative : retour d’expérience du projet Brie’Eau. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, (V): 34-39, May 2021. doi: 10.14758/set-revue.2021.cs5.06.

Gwenaël Imfeld, Sylvain Payraudeau, Julien Tournebize, Sabine Simeoni-Sauvage, Francis Macary, Cédric Chaumont, Anne Probst, J.M. Sanchez-Pérez, Aya Bahi, Betty Chaumet, Tetyana Gilevska, Hugues Alexandre, and Jean-Luc Probst. The Role of Ponds in Pesticide Dissipation at the Agricultural Catchment Scale: A Critical Review. Water, 13(9):1202, 2021. doi: 10.3390/w13091202.

Maha Chalhoub, Benoit Gabrielle, Julien Tournebize, Cédric Chaumont, Pascal Maugis, Cyril Girardin, David Montagne, Philippe Baveye, and Patricia Garnier. Direct measurement of selected soil services in a drained agricultural field: Methodology development and case study in Saclay (France). Ecosystem Services, 42, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101088.

Julien Tournebize, Hénine Hocine, and Cédric Chaumont. Gérer les eaux de drainage agricole : du génie hydraulique au génie écologique. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, (32):32-41, 2020.

Jérémie Lebrun, Kelly de Jesus, Lénaick Rouillac, Marie Ravelli, Angéline Guenne, and Julien Tournebize. Single and combined effects of insecticides on multi-level biomarkers in the non-target amphipod Gammarus fossarum exposed to environmentally realistic levels. Aquatic Toxicology, 218:105357, January 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.105357.

Rémi Clément, Jaan Pärn, Martin Maddison, Hocine Henine, Cédric Chaumont, Julien Tournebize, Veiko Uri, Mikk Espenberg, Thomas Gunther, and Ülo Mander. Frequency-domain electromagnetic induction for upscaling greenhouse gas fluxes in two hemiboreal drained peatland forests. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 173:1-10, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.103944.

Jérémie Lebrun, Sophie Ayrault, Aymeric Drouet, Louise Bordier, Lise Fechner, Emmanuelle Uher, Cédric Chaumont, and Julien Tournebize. Ecodynamics and bioavailability of metal contaminants in a constructed wetland within an agricultural drained catchment. Ecological Engineering, 136:108-117,October 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.06.012.

GATEL, L., LAUVERNET, C., CARLUER, N., WEILL, S., TOURNEBIZE, J., PANICONI, C. – 2019. Global evaluation and sensitivity analysis of a physically based flow and reactive transport model on a laboratory experiment. Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 113, p. 73-83

GINZBURG, I., VIKHANSKY, A. – 2018. Determination of the diffusivity, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis in heterogeneous porous flow. Part I: Analytical solutions with the extended method of moments.. Advances in Water Resources, vol. 115, p. 60-87

DAIRON, R., DUTERTRE, A., TOURNEBIZE, J., MARKS PERREAU, J., CARLUER, N. – 2017. Long-term impact of reduced tillage on water and pesticide flow in a drained context. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 24, n° 8, p. 6866-6877

CARLUER, N., CATALOGNE, C., DAGES, C., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2017. Aménager le territoire et gérer les aménagements : les zones tampons sèches et humides, les fossés pour lutter contre les pollutions diffuses par les produits phytosanitaires dans les aires de captage. Innovations Agronomiques, vol. 57, p. 117-139

TABBAGH, A., CHEVIRON, B., HENINE, H., GUERIN, R., BECHKIT, M. – 2017. Numerical determination of vertical water flux based on soil temperature profiles. Advances in Water Resources, vol. 105, p. 217-226

LEBRUN, J.D., DUFOUR, M., UHER, E., FABURE, J., MONS, R., CHARLATCHKA, R., GOURLAY FRANCE, C., FECHNER, L.C., FERRARI, B.J.D. – 2017. To what extend the dam dredging can influence the backgroundlevel of metals in the Rhine River: using chemical and biologicallong-term monitoring to answer. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, n° 418, 11 p.

SILVA, G., GINZBURG, I. – 2016. Stokes-Brinkman-Darcy Solutions of Bimodal Porous Flow Across Periodic Array of Permeable Cylindrical Inclusions: Cell Model, Lubrication Theory and LBM/FEM Numerical Simulations. Transport in Porous Media, vol. 111, n° 3, p. 795-825

DOMINGUEZ, C.G., PRYET, A., GARCIA VERA, M., GONZALEZ, A., CHAUMONT, C., TOURNEBIZE, J., VILLACIS, M., D’OZOUVILLE, N., VIOLETTE, S. – 2016. Comparison of deep percolation rates below contrasting land covers with a joint canopy and soil model. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 532, p. 65-79

JOUEN, T., CLEMENT, R., HENINE, H., CHAUMONT, C., VINCENT, B., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2016. Evaluation and localization of an artificial drainage network by 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13 p.

MANDER, U., SOHAR, K., TOURNEBIZE, J., PARN, J. – 2016. Risk analysis of global warming-induced greenhouse gas emissions from natural sources. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, vol. 6, n° 2, p. 181-192

BENOIT, M., GARNIER, J., BILLEN, G., TOURNEBIZE, J., GREHAN, E., MARY, B. – 2015. Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching in an organic and a conventional cropping system (Seine basin, France). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 213, p. 131-141

DE BILLY, V., TOURNEBIZE, J., BARNAUD, G., BENOIT, M., BIRGAND, F., GARNIER, J., LESAFFRE, B., LEVEQUE, C., DE MARSILY, G., MULLER, S., MUSY, A., ZIMMER, D. – 2015. Compenser la destruction de zones humides. Retours d’expérience sur les méthodes et réflexions inspirées par le projet d’aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France).. Natures Sciences Sociétés, vol. 23, n° 1, p. 27-41

LEBRUN, J. D., GEFFARD, O., URIEN, N., FRANçOIS, A., UHER, E., FECHNER, L.C. – 2015. Seasonal variability and inter-species comparison of metal bioaccumulation in caged gammarids under urban diffuse contamination gradient: Implications for biomonitoring investigations. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 511, p. 501-508

GINZBURG, I., ROUX, L. – 2015. Truncation effect on Taylor-Aris dispersion in lattice Boltzmann schemes: Accuracy towards stability. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 299, p. 974-1003

SILVA, G., GINZBURG, I. – 2015. The permeability and quality of velocity field in a square array of solid and permeable cylindrical obstacles with the TRT-LBM and FEM Brinkman schemes. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 343, n° 10-11, p. 545-558

GINZBURG, I., ROUX, L., SILVA, G. – 2015. Local boundary reflections in lattice Boltzmann schemes: Spuriousboundary layers and their impact on the velocity, diffusion and dispersion. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 343, n° 10-11, p. 518-532

GINZBURG, I., SILVA, G., TALON, L. – 2015. Analysis and improvement of Brinkman lattice Boltzmann schemes: Bulk, boundary, interface.Similarity and distinctness with finite elements in heterogeneous porous media. Physical Review E, vol. 91, n° 2, 32 p.

MANDER, U., TOURNEBIZE, J., KASAK, K., MITSCH, W.J. – 2014. Climate regulation by free water surface constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and created riverine wetlands. Ecological Engineering, vol. 72, p. 103-115

PASSEPORT, E., RICHARD, B., CHAUMONT, C., MARGOUM, C., LIGER, L., GRIL, J.J., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2014. Dynamics and mitigation of six pesticides in a « Wet » forest buffer zone. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 21, n° 7, p. 4883-4894

MANDER, U., DOTRO, G., EBIE, Y., TOWPRAYOON, S., CHIEMCHAISRI, C., FURLAN NOGUEIRA, S., JAMSRANJAV, B., KASAK, K., TRUU, J., TOURNEBIZE, J., MITSCH, W.J. – 2014. Greenhouse gas emission in constructed wetlands for wastewatertreatment: A review. Ecological Engineering, vol. 66, p. 19-35

GARNIER, J., BILLEN, G., VILAIN, G., BENOIT, M., PASSY, P., TALLEC, G., TOURNEBIZE, J., ANGLADE, J., BILLY, C., MERCIER, B., ANSART, P., AZOUGUI, A., SEBILO, M., KAO, C. – 2014. Curative vs. preventive management of nitrogen transfers in ruralareas : Lessons from the case of the Orgeval watershed (Seine Riverbasin, France). Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 144, p. 125-134

CLEMENT, R., MOREAU, S., HENINE, H., GUERIN, A., CHAUMONT, C., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2014. On the value of combining surface and cross-borehole ERT measurements to study artificial tile drainage processes. Near Surface Geophysics, vol. 12, n° 6, p. 763-775

MANDER, U., WELL, R., WEYMANN, D., SOOSAAR, K., MADDISON, M., KANAL, A., LOHMUS, K., TRUU, J., AUGUSTIN, J., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2014. Isotopologue ratios of N2O and N-2 measurements underpin the importance of denitrification in differently N-loaded riparian alder forests. Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, n° 20, p. 11910-11918

TOURNEBIZE, J., CHAUMONT, C., FRESNEAU, C., GUENNE, A., VINCENT, B., GARNIER, J., MANDER, U. – 2014. Long-term nitrate removal in a buffering pond-reservoir system receiving water from an agricultural drained catchment. Ecological Engineering, 14 p.

HENINE, H., NEDELEC, Y., RIBSTEIN, P. – 2014. Coupled modelling of the effect of overpressure on water discharge in a tile drainage system. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 511, p. 39-48

LEBRUN, J.D., UHER, E., TUSSEAU VUILLEMIN, M.H., GOURLAY FRANNCE, C. – 2014. Essential metal contents in indigenous gammarids related to exposure levels at the river basin scale: metal-dependent models of bioaccumulation and geochemical correlations. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 466-467, p. 100-108

LEBRUN, J.D., LEROY, D., GUISTI, A., GOURLAY FRANCE, C., THOME, J.P. – 2014. Bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Gammarus pulex: relative importance of different exposure routes and multipathway modeling. Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 154, p. 107-113

VIKHANSKY, A., GINZBURG, I. – 2014. Taylor dispersion in heterogeneous porous media: Extended method of moments, theory, and modelling with two-relaxation-times lattice Boltzmann scheme. Physics of Fluids, vol. 26, n° 2, 52 p.

GINZBURG, I. – 2014. Comment on « An improved gray Lattice Boltzmann model for simulating fluid flow in multi-scale porous media »: Intrinsic links between LBE Brinkman schemes. Advances in Water Resources, 9 p.

TOURNEBIZE, J., PASSEPORT, E., CHAUMONT, C., FESNEAU, C., GUENNE, A., VINCENT, B. – 2013. Pesticide de-contamination of surface waters as a wetland ecosystem service in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Engineering, vol. 56, p. 51-59

BILLY, C., BIRGAND, F., ANSART, P., PESCHARD, J., SEBILO, M., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2013. Factors controlling nitrate concentrations in surface waters of an artificially drained agricultural watershed. Landscape Ecology, vol. 28, n° 4, 20 p.

BEN AISSA, I., BOUARFA, S., VINCENT, B., CHAUMONT, C., PERRIER, A. – 2013. Drainage performance assessment in a modernized oasis system. Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 62, n° 2, p. 221-228

BABUT, M., ARTS, G., BARRA CARACCIOLO, A., CARLUER, N., DOMANGE, N., FRIBERG, N., GOUY, V., GRUNG, M., LAGADIC, L., MARTIN LAURENT, F., MAZZELLA, N., PESCE, S., REAL, B., REICHENBERGER, S., ROEX, E.W.M., ROMIJN, K., RöTTELE, M., STENROD, M., TOURNEBIZE, J., VERNIER, F., VINDIMIAN, E. – 2013. Pesticide risk assessment and management in a globally changing world. Report from a European interdisciplinary workshop. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 20, n° 11, p. 8298-8312

PASSEPORT, E., TOURNEBIZE, J., CHAUMONT, C., GUENNE, A., COQUET, Y. – 2013. Pesticide contamination interception strategy and removal efficiency in forest buffer and artificial wetland in a tile-drained agricultural watershed. Chemosphere, vol. 91, n° 9, p. 1289-1296

GINZBURG, I. – 2013. Multiple anisotropic collisions for advection-diffusion Lattice Boltzmann schemes. Advances in Water Resources, vol. 51, p. 381-404

TALON, L., BAUER, D., GLAND, N., YOUSSEF, S., AURADOU, H., GINZBURG, I. – 2012. Assessment of the two relaxation time Lattice-Boltzmann scheme to simulate Stokes flow in porous media. Water Resources Research, vol. 48, 13 p.

VILAIN, G., GARNIER, J., TALLEC, G., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2012. Indirect N2O emissions from shallow groundwater in an agricultural catchment (Seine Basin, France). Biogeochemistry, vol. 111, n° 1-3, p. 253-271

TOURNEBIZE, J., GREGOIRE, C., COUPE, R.H., ACKERER, P. – 2012. Modelling nitrate transport under row intercropping system: Vines and grass cover. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 440-441, p. 14-25

PULOU, J., TOURNEBIZE, J., CHAUMONT, C., HAURY, J., LAVERMAN, A.M. – 2012. Carbon availability limits potential denitrification in watercress farm sediment. Ecological Engineering, vol. 49, p. 212-220

PASSY, P., GARNIER, J., BILLEN, G., FESNEAU, C., TOURNEBIZE, J. – 2012. Restoration of ponds in rural landscapes: Modelling the effect on nitrate contamination of surface water (the Seine River Basin, France). Science of the Total Environment, vol. 430, p. 280-290

TOURNEBIZE, J., GRAMAGLIA, C., BIRMANT, F., BOUARFA, S., CHAUMONT, C., VINCENT, B. – 2012. Co-design of constructed wetlands to mitigate pesticide pollution in a drained catch-basin : a solution to improve groundwater quality. Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 61, n° 1, p. 75-86

PRYET, A., DOMíNGUEZ, C., FUENTE TOMAIA, P., CHAUMONT, C., D’OZOUVILLE, N., VILLACíS, M., VIOLETTE, S. – 2012. Quantification of cloud water interception along the windward slope of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos (Ecuador). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, n° 161, p. 94-106

GINZBURG, I. – 2012. Truncation Errors, Exact and Heuristic Stability Analysis of Two-Relaxation-Times Lattice Boltzmann Schemes for Anisotropic Advection-Diffusion Equation. Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 11, n° 5, p. 1439-1502 64 p.

Date de modification : 03 novembre 2023 | Date de création : 30 octobre 2023 | Rédaction : Com